SPL Monitoring and Logging for Live Sound Applications

10EaZy Class 1 and 2 Monitoring Systems

10EaZy is available as a turn-key solution with all hardware included to secure reliable and accurate measurements day after day. Depending on ANSI/IEC compliance requirements we offer both Class 1 and 2 hardware.

10EaZy is also available as stand-alone software to use with your own qualified measurement and calibration hardware

For all solutions we offer  FREE upgrades to future software releases, securing your investment for many years to come!

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10EaZy Software Dongle

Already seasoned in measurements, and the owner of a high quality measurement rig including a calibrator?

10EaZy SW brings you the same software features as our 10EaZy RT class 2 system.  IEC class compliance can not be guaranteed for the measurement, since you use your own hardware. If you have a calibrator and are on the search for an intuitive way to monitor your sound level during an event, 10EaZy SW might be the answer for you. 

We encourage you to read our white paper on choosing proper hardware for SPL measurements to ensure reliable results. 

10EaZy Class 2 RT System

10EaZy RT Class 2 is the budget friendly entry level version.

Our  high quality class 2 hardware with a reduced feature set on the software. 

Choose 10EaZy RT if your requirements are an affordable intuitive measurement solution for creating awareness during the event and a simple post show report with key measurement values listed. 

If you need RTA, comprehensive measurement logs to evaluate minute by minute development of SPL or Class 1 compliance, please consider our full featured Class 1 or 2 offering. 

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