Clear-Com is a trusted global provider of professional real-time communication solutions for broadcast, live performance, live events, sports, military, aerospace, industrial and government applications.
The company innovates market-proven technologies that connect local and remote teams together through the use of their scaleable partyline, digital matrix, IP-based and/or wireless communications systems.

Sheridan College Transforms Wireless Communication with Clear-Com Arcadia System
August 2024
"I have Arcadia and two TVs in my office with live connections to cameras in both spaces, so I can see and hear what's going on. The shows are run by students - so being able to jump in and provide teaching moments has really helped." - Jacob Gow, Technical Director, Sheridan College

University of Alberta Levels Up Clear-Com System with Arcadia Central Station
June 2023
"We can use any device on the network, log in and make that change in real-time. It's instantaneous. It's fast, flexible, and reactive." - Matthew Skopyk, Faculty Service Officer Sound Supervisor, University of Alberta

NHL's Ottawa Senators Rely on Clear-Com EDGE for Comms During Gameday Entertainment
April 2023
Canadian Tire Centre adds FreeSpeak EDGE to existing Clear-Com EclipseHX system to further streamline workflow for communications between production teams and visiting broadcast partners on gameday.

Canadore College Installs Versatile Clear-Com Eclipse Matrix System to Meet Broad Demands of Media Arts Faculty
February 2022
"What's remarkable about the Clear-Com system - the thing that is blowing us away - is that there are no longer complaints from the faculty. In the past, we had nothing but problems. Now, there are three or four programs that can utilize the new theatre space and also provide content for other programs, with students in different courses of study, working alone and together. Clear-Com makes that possible, just like that. It's definitely a power system for us." - Quinn Pelletier, Digital Media Engineer, Canadore College, North Bay Ontario